Splunk® Data Stream Processor

Use the Data Stream Processor

On April 3, 2023, Splunk Data Stream Processor reached its end of sale, and will reach its end of life on February 28, 2025. If you are an existing DSP customer, please reach out to your account team for more information.

All DSP releases prior to DSP 1.4.0 use Gravity, a Kubernetes orchestrator, which has been announced end-of-life. We have replaced Gravity with an alternative component in DSP 1.4.0. Therefore, we will no longer provide support for versions of DSP prior to DSP 1.4.0 after July 1, 2023. We advise all of our customers to upgrade to DSP 1.4.0 in order to continue to receive full product support from Splunk.

Navigating the

When building a pipeline in the , you can choose to work in Canvas View or SPL (Search Processing Language) View. Each view provides different features and tools for building a pipeline.

If you prefer to work in a graphical user interface (GUI) and receive more guidance as you work, use the Canvas View. If you prefer to write Search Processing Language 2 (SPL2) statements to configure pipeline functions and define the structure of the pipeline, use the SPL View, which includes the SPL2 Pipeline Builder. For more information on each view, see Create a pipeline using the Canvas View and Create a pipeline using the SPL View.

Canvas View

When creating a pipeline in the Canvas View, you click the point in the pipeline where you want to add a function and then select from a list that shows valid functions only. You then configure the function by filling in fields that show all the accepted arguments for that function. The Canvas View automatically supplies default values for any optional arguments that you do not fill in, and also provides streamlined workflows for more advanced pipeline features such as branches and unions.

The following screenshot shows the Canvas View.

This screenshot shows the Canvas View in the Splunk Data Stream Processor. Specific UI elements are labeled with letters and numbers.

Label Element Description
A1 DSP UI pages Navigate to the following DSP pages:
  • Home: Review the latest product updates and the recently created pipelines, connections, templates, and lookups on your tenant.
  • Pipelines: Use this page to start creating a pipeline or manage existing pipelines.
  • Connections: Use this page to create and manage connections to data sources and destinations.
  • Templates: Use this page to create and manage pipeline templates.
  • Lookups: Use this page to create and manage lookup tables for enriching event data.
A2 More options Access additional options for working with DSP:
  • Manage your product license.
  • Manage the users and administrators in your tenant.
  • View details about DSP.
  • Navigate to the documentation.
A3 Pipeline name The name of your pipeline.
A4 Pipeline state The state of your pipeline. For a list of available states and what they mean, see Interpreting pipeline statuses.
A5 View switch Toggle between the Canvas View and the SPL View.

This feature is in BETA and repeated toggles can lead to unexpected results and even data loss.

A6 View/Edit View or edit an activated pipeline. Changes are not applied to the activated pipeline until you save and reactivate the pipeline.
A7 Start Preview Preview the data moving through the selected function in your pipeline. See Test your pipeline configuration.
A8 Save Save your pipeline.
A9 Activate Activate your pipeline.
A10 Pipeline options Access additional options for working with your pipeline:
  • Validate the pipeline to confirm that your functions are configured correctly.
  • Save a copy of the pipeline.
  • Export the pipeline to a JSON file.
  • Import a pipeline from a JSON file.
  • Revert the pipeline to a previous version.
  • Deactivate the pipeline.
  • Delete the pipeline.
  • Update the pipeline metadata.
A11 Pipeline canvas The canvas view of your pipeline.
A12 Function The basic building block of a pipeline.
A13 Connect a processing or a sink function Create a branch in your pipeline, and add a function to the newly created branch.
A14 Connect a processing function Add a function to your pipeline.
A15 Function metrics Live metrics about the function, such as the number of events moving in or out of the function per second. You can use these metrics to quickly scan if your records are making it through your pipeline or to check the performance of your pipeline.
A16 Zoom In/Out Zoom in or out on the pipeline canvas.
A17 Edit function name Assign a custom name to the selected function.
A18 View documentation View the documentation for the selected function in another browser tab.
A19 View Configurations View or modify the configuration of the selected function.
A20 Preview Results View a sample of the events that are sent through the selected function.
A21 Display options for preview Choose how to display the data that's collected during a preview session. You can display each record in a table, list, or raw JSON format, and specify the number of records to show per page.
A22 Search preview results Search the preview results for records that contain a specified search term. You can adjust the search operation to only return records where a specific field contains the search term.

SPL View

When creating a pipeline in the SPL View, you write statements in SPL2 syntax to add functions and configure them. You can view the SPL2 statement of a pipeline to see an overview of all the arguments that have been specified for all the functions in the pipeline. You also have the option of copying SPL2 statements into text editors or other DSP instances.

The following screenshot shows the SPL View.

This screenshot shows the SPL View in the Splunk Data Stream Processor. Specific UI elements are labeled with letters and numbers.

Label Element Description
B1 DSP UI pages Navigate to the following DSP pages:
  • Home: Review the latest product updates and the recently created pipelines, connections, templates, and lookups on your tenant.
  • Pipelines: Use this page to start creating a pipeline or manage existing pipelines.
  • Connections: Use this page to create and manage connections to data sources and destinations.
  • Templates: Use this page to create and manage pipeline templates.
  • Lookups: Use this page to create and manage lookup tables for enriching event data.
B2 More options Access additional options for working with DSP:
  • Manage your product license.
  • Manage the users and administrators in your tenant.
  • View details about DSP.
  • Navigate to the documentation.
B3 Pipeline name The name of your pipeline.
B4 Pipeline state The state of your pipeline. For a list of available states and what they mean, see Interpreting pipeline statuses.
B5 View switch Toggle between the Canvas View and the SPL View.

This feature is in BETA and repeated toggles can lead to unexpected results and even data loss.

B6 View/Edit View or edit an activated pipeline. Changes are not applied to the activated pipeline until you save and reactivate the pipeline.
B7 SPL2 Pipeline Builder Enter an SPL2 statement that defines the functions and configurations in your pipeline.
B8 Start Preview Preview the data moving through the selected function in your pipeline. See Test your pipeline configuration.
B9 Save Save your pipeline.
B10 Activate Activate your pipeline.
B11 Pipeline options Access additional options for working with your pipeline:
  • Save a copy of the pipeline.
  • Export the pipeline to a JSON file.
  • Import a pipeline from a JSON file.
  • Revert the pipeline to a previous version.
  • Deactivate the pipeline.
  • Delete the pipeline.
  • Update the pipeline metadata.
B12 Full Screen Open a full screen view of the SPL2 Pipeline Builder.
B13 Recreate Pipeline Build the pipeline defined in your SPL2 statement, and validate the functions to confirm that they are configured correctly.
B14 Pipeline canvas The canvas view of your pipeline.
B15 Function The basic building block of a pipeline.
B16 Function metrics Live metrics about the function, such as the number of events moving in or out of the function per second. You can use these metrics to quickly scan if your records are making it through your pipeline or to check the performance of your pipeline.
B17 Zoom In/Out Zoom in or out on the pipeline canvas.
B18 View documentation View the documentation for the selected function in another browser tab.
B19 Preview Results View a sample of the events that are sent through the selected function.
B20 Display options for preview Choose how to display the data that's collected during a preview session. You can display each record in a table, list, or raw JSON format, and specify the number of records to show per page.
B21 Search preview results Search the preview results for records that contain a specified search term. You can adjust the search operation to only return records where a specific field contains the search term.
Last modified on 24 March, 2022
About regular expressions   Create a pipeline using the Canvas View

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Data Stream Processor: 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5

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